PHP Pandas

PHP Pandas is the book that aims to teach everyone how to be a web developer. You don't need any existing web development experience. The entire book is available online to encourage learning. If you like what you see, please consider buying a copy of the book to support my future writing efforts!

It's available in a number of awesome formats including PDF and eBook. It's also got a bunch of extras that you won't find on the site! Enjoy!


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Finding Answers
  4. Files
  5. Basic Arithmetic
  6. Variables & Assignment
  7. Strings
  8. Arrays
  9. Casting
  11. Forks
  12. Loops
  13. Functions
  14. Closures
  15. Includes
  16. Classes
  17. Inheritance
  18. Scope
  19. Constants
  20. Abstracts
  21. Interfaces
  22. Statics
  23. Exceptions
  24. Traits
  25. Namespaces
  26. PHP7