What's this all about?

I know what you're thinking. I already have a blog. It has articles about Laravel and web development in general. I think that's what people come to expect when they visit my site.

That's fine! I love tinkering with Laravel, and web development definitely counts as my hobbies. I have other ones too. Sometimes I have thoughts about random things. I don't want to litter my development-themed website with these thoughts, so I'm going to put them here!

So, what might you see on the new blog? Talk about video games, comics, rants about things that annoy me? Hell yes, and probably more!

Should you be reading this blog? I don't know! Why not take a look at a few of the articles and you'll soon find out!

Oh, and for the nerdy ones, yes this is a Ghost blog. I was one of the original backers on Kickstarter. However, this one is hosted. So I can be lazy!

The good news is it's much easier than my own custom platform to embed images!

